Sunday 20 March 2016


(Innovative work or idea 2016)
Optogenetics is a approximately new ground of biotechnology that gives the quality idea to the researchers or ability to convert brain activity into light and light into brain activity.Its just a news or a joke ?,a lay man can think but it is true you have to believe that its can be happen in the future.Optogenetics made a top story at the end of 2015,When 2 scientist  won a 3$ million discovery price in the life science for their originate work in the field.,
According to a Neuro-Scientist ,using Optogenetics,it can be possible to use light to generate  feelings or emotions,to change what is happening in the brain,to tackle depression or stress,and may be even to erase or implant  in others.

Accurate words By a website through which we can easily understand what this technology is going to do.The future for optogenetics is just now being understood:

    "Being able to record and manipulate brain activity will change who we are.It will serve as an interface through which computers can become part of our brain,and through which our brain could directly interface with each other."

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