Saturday 19 March 2016

Bio Bot Muscle Robot

After a couple of year age the scientists are success an electrical fields to activate tiny muscle-powered "walking" biological robots or "bio-bots".bio-bots move are determined by the frequency of electrical pulses delivered to them with higher frequency moving muscles faster.This device used for applications such as targeted drug delivery within the body.However,the researchers made an improvement :the bio-bots can now be steered using light.Each tiny devices measures no more than 7 mm to 2 cm in length,and it is made from a 3 D-printed hydrogel  skeleton with a ring of bio-engineered muscle tissue around it.The method to 3 D print the skeleton could scaled to the different sized joints and could be accommodate various types of cells.They are subjected to regular pulses of light,allowing them to become bigger and stronger by "exercising".Bio bot robot are developed new ways to test clinically relevant drugs or design medical implants that couldn't be rejected the body.

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